Today I Surprised Myself

Goku Super Saiyan 3

Today was something else. I’m sitting here, still trying to wrap my head around everything I did. I mean, WHAT WAS TODAY? Honestly, I’m getting goosebumps just thinking about it.

I did the things I’ve been putting off for months. Months of just thinking, planning, and never really pulling the trigger. But today? Today, I just DID IT—all of it, and then some.

It feels unreal. After doing all the things I set out to do, I still had time left to spare. I keep asking myself, How? How did I suddenly do what I’ve been dragging out in my head for so long?

And now, after all of it, I haven’t even fully comprehended the drastic shift that happened today. Let’s break it down:

Today, I posted three blog posts:

  1. Day 01 of Learning How To Type Faster In 30 Days
  2. Learning How To Type Faster In 30 Days
  3. The Thing That Makes All The Difference

That’s THREE blog posts in one day. I created categories, established a solid routine, reflected on my day—both in the morning and before bed—and even squeezed in exercise, skincare, and editing Day 01 of my typing challenge.

Oh, and I tweeted. What is this day?!?!

The most monumental thing, though? I didn’t overthink. I just acted. Decisions that I’d been stewing on for ages—I made them in seconds today.

The philosophy I’m living by now is simple: Do everything that comes to mind FAST. Try it. If it works, stick with it. If it doesn’t, discard it.

There’s something freeing about that, something powerful. Today was different. Today I took action, and now I’m riding this insane high from it.

Tomorrow’s plan? It’s already crystal clear. I did all the heavy lifting today—those big, mind-boggling tasks that have been weighing on me.

Tonight, I even stumbled into something unexpected—an epic stealing session. I got lost in Derek Sivers’ website, and holy shit, did I find gold. Ideas, insights, everything I’m going to dive into tomorrow. I can’t wait to wake up and explore more.

There’s this fire inside me right now and I can’t wait to see what tomorrow brings.

Tomorrow, I wake up excited, ready to attack the day. Because if today is any indication of what’s coming, I’m on a ride that’s only going up.

~ Dewansh Jain; 11:15pm 13th October 2024

PS. And now that’s 4 blog posts…lol

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